(1) 通過認證: ISO9001
(2) 創立時間: 2007年12月
(3) 員工數: >200人
(4) 總部: 台灣-台北
(5) 生產基地: 深圳市
(6) 主要產品: FPC軟板(含打件)/ 軟硬結合板
(1) ISO Certificates: ISO9001
(2) Foundation date: Y2007 December
(3) Employee: >200人
(4) HQO: Taipei(Taiwan).
(5) Production lines: Shenzhen(China).
(6) Main FPC porduct lines: Single layer/ Double layer/ Multi-layer/ Rigid-flex board/ FPCA(with components mounted).
以台灣為立足基礎,達芳電子經營據點並分佈於台灣/廣東及江蘇以就近服務客戶及市場需求.軟板產品專注於軟板(含打件)及軟硬結合板產品的全面性開發,以滿足客戶於未來產品開發的需求,多元及合適的產品規劃目前已於消費電子產品(NB/ Tablet/ Handheld devices/ POS/ TWS...)/ 智能家電(掃地機/ 空氣清靜機/ 安控設備...等)/ 及IPC市場嶄露頭角.並本著服務的心與專注於產品開發的意以期能符合客戶一次到位的產品服務。
Darfun Electronics have more than 20 years' design and manufacture experience in FPC field. We concentrate not only in NB/ Tablet and consumers prodcuts but in Smart Home/ Medical and IPC fields.
We believe that employees, customers and partners are our most valuable assets; adhere to honesty and integrity in our business and to our employees; share profits with our employees, customers and partners; dedicate ourselves to the continuous innovation that drives our product development, and embrace a vision for globalization.
Our Vision is to set the electronic industry standard for FPC integration, and support customers to reach co-targets. Our mission is to be a world-class supplier of FPC through professional services and a win-win philosophy.